CMPE 118 - Mechatronics - Fall 2018
During my final year of Undergraduate studies I took a Mechatronics course during which I honed many of the team, time, and production management skills. The course consisted of completing 4 labs with varying degrees of difficulty and involvement accross the full range of mechanical, eletrical, software, and systems engineering tasks. After we had completed the lab assignments, we were assigned to groups of 3 and given a challenge. We did not have any insight into the challenge until the mid point of the quarter, and were given 4 weeks to try and complete the entire design and implementation of an autonomous robot that could complete the challenge.
I was lucky to be surrounded by an incredibly supportive and hard-working team comprised of Ian Zetner and Josh Gutterman who made this very stressful time an experience of a life-time. Our robot named That Looks About Right (TLAR) Binks, was checked off ahead of the deadline and was one of only 2 robots to not get stage fright and complete the challenge during the public demo. A video of our check-off:
and our public demo are available online.
A complete and detailed report of our design and implementation is also made available