
Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control as a Model of Multimodal Behavioral Coordination

Published in International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2021, 2021

Using a linear dynamical system model to identify behaviors correlated with social coordination between infants and their mothers

Recommended citation: Klein, L., Ardulov, V., Gharib, A., Thompson, B., Levitt, P., & Matarić, M. (2021, October). Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control as a Model of Multimodal Behavioral Coordination. In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 25-33).

Causal indicators for assessing the truthfulness of child speech in forensic interviews

Published in Computer Speech and Language, 2021

Through the utilization of Granger Causal Analysis on speech signals between a child and an adult interviewer, we are able to use this to discern when a child is telling the truth about a non-disclosure

Recommended citation: Zane Durante, Victor Ardulov, Manoj Kumar, Jennifer Gongola, Thomas Lyon, Shrikanth Narayanan, Causal indicators for assessing the truthfulness of child speech in forensic interviews, Computer Speech & Language, Volume 71, 2022, 101263, ISSN 0885-2308,

Robust Diagnostic Classification via Q-learning

Published in Scientific Reports (Nature), 2021

Through the paradigm of discerning ADHD and ASD we show the advantages of considering diagnostic classification as a decision-making process rather than a traditional machine learning problem

Recommended citation: Ardulov, V., Martinez, V. R., Somandepalli, K., Zheng, S., Salzman, E., Lord, C., ... & Narayanan, S. (2021). Robust diagnostic classification via Q-learning. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-9.

Am I A Good Therapist? Automated Evaluation Of PsychotherapySkills Using Speech And Language Technologies

Published in arXiv, 2021

An system overview of an end-to-end automated psychotherapy evaluation pipeline developed by a large multi-year collaboration

Recommended citation: Flemotomos, N., Martinez, V. R., Chen, Z., Singla, K., Ardulov, V., Peri, R., ... & Narayanan, S. (2021). "Am I A good therapist?" automated evaluation of psychotherapy skills using speech and language technologies. CoRR, abs/2102.11265.

Incorporating Measures of Intermodal Coordinationin Automated Analysis of Infant-Mother Interaction

Published in ICMI 2020, 2020

This work evaluates the multimodal coordination of children across the still face interaction across ages

Recommended citation: Klein, L., Ardulov, V., Hu, Y., Soleymani, M., Gharib, A., Thompson, B., ... & Matarić, M. J. (2020, October). Incorporating Measures of Intermodal Coordination in Automated Analysis of Infant-Mother Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 287-295).

Feature Fusion Strategies for End-to-End Evaluation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Sessions

Published in arXiv, 2020

We analyze the use of MI codes as a intermediate feature to improve the automatic prediction of CBT adherence via CTRS score

Recommended citation: Chen, Z., Flemotomos, N., Ardulov, V., Creed, T. A., Imel, Z. E., Atkins, D. C., & Narayanan, S. (2020). Feature Fusion Strategies for End-to-End Evaluation of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Sessions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07809.

Identifying Truthful Language in Child Interviews

Published in ICASSP 2020, 2020

Building on existing approaches, we analyze how the vocabulary and emotional content and language use of a child indicates truthfulness pointing to specific psycho-linguistic features that models correlate with truthfulness.

Recommended citation: V. Ardulov, Z. Durante, S. Williams, T. Lyon and S. Narayanan, "Identifying Truthful Language in Child Interviews," ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Barcelona, Spain, 2020, pp. 8074-8078, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053386.

Identifying Therapist and Client Personae for Therapeutic Alliance Estimation

Published in InterSpeech 2019, 2019

This works explores the use of frame psychotherapy as story-telling process, and looks at the estimation of therapist-client alliance as a product of the personae that each occupies during the therapy seesion.

Recommended citation: Martinez, V.R., Flemotomos, N., Ardulov, V., Somandepalli, K., Goldberg, S.B., Imel, Z.E., Atkins, D.C., Narayanan, S. (2019) Identifying Therapist and Client Personae for Therapeutic Alliance Estimation. Proc. Interspeech 2019, 1901-1905, DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2019-2829.

Multimodal Interaction Modeling of Child Forensic Interviewing

Published in ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactions, 2018

This paper looks at multimodal (language, affect, and speech) models of child forensic interviewing. In particular we explore Linear Mixture Models (LMMs) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition with Control (DMDc)

Recommended citation: Victor Ardulov, Madelyn Mendlen, Manoj Kumar, Neha Anand, Shanna Williams, Thomas Lyon, and Shrikanth Narayanan. 2018. Multimodal Interaction Modeling of Child Forensic Interviewing. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 179-185. DOI:

Measuring Conversational Productivity in Child Forensic Interviews

Published in arXiv, 2018

This paper introduces a novel computational method for tracking the verbal and conversational productivity of a child during forensic interviewing for legal procedings.

Recommended citation: V. Ardulov, M. Kumar, S. Williams, T. Lyon, and S. Narayanan. 2018. Measuring Conversational Productivity in Child Forensic Interviews. ArXiv e-prints (June 2018). arXiv:cs.CL/1806.0335